The following is a collection of Web links that I use very frequently, some even daily.
I hope they will be of use to you as well.
Lonely Planet - Unquestionably, this is my favorite travel site. Having used LP
guidebooks for years, I am equally committed to their web presence. Check out the Thorn Tree where you can post
a travel question, whether out of curiosity or need, and you're almost certain to get an answer from someone who
has either been there or done it before. One caveat: It's not especially useful for finding hotels.
Africam - This site, which I've just recently
discovered, allows you access to over a dozen webcams in South African game parks and reserves. If you're lucky,
you'll see zebra, wildebeestes, elephants -- you name it -- in more or less real-time. Cams are set up at waterholes,
near eagles' nests, hyena dens, etc. A GREAT site!!!
Arab NET - Oman This
links you to the Omani pages of ArabNet, which has lots of information on the entire Arab World.
Asia Travel This is a great site for
finding hotel accommodations throughout Asia. The Thai links are especially useful: often you'll find places that
are offering deeply discounted rates to people booking over the 'Net.
Best Air Fares This site is one
of the best.
Currency Calculator This
Swiss-based site will convert virtually any currency to any other. Fast and seemingly accurate. After all, who
knows more about money?
Database of TravelHelpers
This site is a great place to find people who either have traveled in, or live in, the place you're planning to
visit. Just click on the name, your e-mail program will load, and you're ready to zap them a message. A guy in
Estonia is even offering people a free place to stay... You can also sign up to help others as I have done.
Escape Magazine This is an excellent,
new travel e-zine that definitely deserves a read-through. Good links; interesting travelogues; lots of newsy bits.
Frugal Travel News - This site offers tips on
ways to save money while you're on the road. Definitely worth a look if you don't want to spend a fortune wherever
you happen to be headed.
Circle Route Calculator What's the shortest route between two points? Find out
by using the calculator this link will take you to.
Italian Tourist Web Guide - We used this before
a trip to northern Italy last summer and were very pleased. Excellent links to half-way affordable accommodation
throughout the country.
Qatar-Info An excellent site for anyone
planning a trip to Qatar. Written by British expatriates, it offers info on just about everything related to Qatar
that the potential visitor or resident might want.
Triangle Ranch B&B If
you're ever in South Dakota and need a place that's a bit out of the ordinary to stay, check this out.
Favorite Search Engines
Savvy Search A metasearch engine that
submits your request to a good dozen other search engines at the same time.
Google Despite its whimsical name, Google
is remarkably good at sifting out the useless sites that many other engines will supply after a search request
has been made. The interface is very simple and straightforward, so it's useful for inexperienced surfers as well.
Many thanks to those brilliant guys at Stanford University (California) who put it together.
Northern Light Another first-rate
search engine that is great at getting what you're actually looking for. Highly recommended.
News Sources
The Minneapolis Star-Tribune The principal newspaper in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis,-St. Paul, Minnesota (USA) Check out
the thermometer in winter. Brrrrrrrrr....
The Washington Post Liberal newspaper
in Washington, DC
The Electronic Telegraph
The on-line version of the London Daily Telegraph. Conservative political
outlook, but a very with-it website. Not given to exaggeration. In a word: staid but reliable.
The BBC The news service of the British
Broadcasting Corporation is generally considered to be one of the world's best. The site isn't as glitzy as CNN's
but it's certainly as thorough.
The Economist Somewhat analogous to Time
and Newsweek, this British news magazine is an excellent source for news analysis. American readers please note:
A "leader" in British parlance is an editorial. If you call it up, you may be disappointed to discover
that not all articles are on-line.
The Guardian A superbly written newspaper
originally based in Manchester, The Guardian is rather left-wing. American readers should note, however,
that it is often very critical of US policy. You may also sense that some writers seem to go out of their way to
make anti-American digs when they can. That said, it's still one of the world's best newspapers and should be required
reading by anyone who wants to hear all sides of a question.
The Khaleej Times This is unquestionably
the best English language newspaper published in the Gulf. Based in Dubai (UAE), it offers good coverage of the
region and the rest of the world as well. Its Subcontinent (India/Pakistan/Bangladesh) coverage is second to none,
possibly because most of its reporting and editorial staff hails from there. And its editorials are worth a read,
too, though they are sometimes uncomfortable for Western readers. For anyone who wishes to keep up with news in
this part of the world, this paper is a "must".
The Kosova Crisis News Center This site
offers up-to-the-minute information on the Kosova crisis from the Albanian side. You can sign up for e-mailed updates.
There's a lot more detail here than I've found in the regular media -- especially in terms of first-person accounts
of the horrors. It's depressing, if very timely.
The Oman Observer This is the web
address for one of the two English language newspapers in the Sultanate of Oman.
The Times (UK)
The venerable London Times. Excellent international news section. Check out the
Court page where the official appointments of the Royal Family are cataloged.
The Drudge Report
Often denigrated as a Web-based tabloid writer, Matt Drudge has successfully scooped many
of the major papers. Besides his own interesting if sometimes rather over-the-top report, he provides a first-rate
list of web links to newspaper and broadcast news sources, not to mention an exhaustive list of columnists.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung - English Page (Zürich, Switzerland) The Neue Zürcher Zeitung is my all-time favorite newspaper,
and offers a well-translated, though somewhat truncated, English version. It's remarkably unbiased and fair to
everyone, yet its editors are quite happy to call a spade a spade when the need arises. Highly recommended. Not
especially rich graphically, it downloads quickly.
The Paper Boy
A gigantic listing of newspapers from all over the world, though it's best for the US and Canada. If the paper
has a website, it's almost bound to be here.
The Philip Pioneer Review (South
Dakota, USA)
My hometown weekly newspaper. Good for a peak into small-town life in the Upper Midwest.
Photographic Sites
Mountain Light - Galen Rowell - Check
this gallery out. Rowell, a world-class mountain climber, is a superb photographer and, hands-down, my favorite.
Check out his gallery, where you'll find some of the best mountain photos you have ever seen. Highly recommended.
Netlook Magazine - Excellent
on-line photo mag.
Orazio Centaro's Art Images on the Web
- Centaro is a talented Italian photographer, who has put together an interesting collection of images of various
20th century photographers.
Computers, Software, and Web Design
Cybercafe Guide - This
is an index of cybercafes throughout the world. As inveterate travelers, we have found access to the Internet a
Godsend. Before we leave on a trip, we check this site out to find out if there's a cybercafe in any of the cities
we intend to visit. It's just a matter of noting them down, and off we go, secure in the knowledge that we'll have
a way of getting on the Web. - The company web site of
the firm that produced my nifty X6el scanner that produced all the images on my site. Beyond descriptions of the
Microtek line, it also has links to scanning tutorial websites, which I'm finding extremely useful.
.Net Magazine - This UK-based Internet
magazine is one of the best around. It covers most Internet subject areas from web design to ways to fight spam.
It also rates web sites, and always has good lists of new sites that are of interest. Great tips on surfing techniques
as well.
Tucows - HUGE collection of downloadable software
of every imagineable variety. Lots of shareware and freeware. And it has dozens of mirror sites from which you
can download at speed.
Photoshop Tips by Joel Abrahamsson
- Great collection of tips and tricks to use with Photoshop
- Another huge collection of software and what-not
Food, Cooking & Miscellaneous Stuff
Prejean's This great Louisiana restaurant has an amazing collection of Cajun recipes. Take a look!
Sultan Qaboos University - Have a look at
where I work.