Born and raised in western South Dakota, I developed an interest in travel and photography
very early. In fact, it was during the first family trip I remember, one to numerous national parks in the western
US and Canada when I was about 7, though things didn't really get going until I got to Europe in my junior year
at university. Since that time I have traveled in some 75 countries on six continents. Among the more ambitious
trips: overland from Europe to Singapore and from Mexico to Argentina.
Beyond travel, my interests include photography -- I've been taking pictures since
I was seven -- music -- especially Baroque choral works -- German-to-English translation, politics, and computer-related
subjects such as Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and (now) web-page design.
Professionally, I hold a B.A. in German from the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis)
and a Master's in English as a Second Language from St. Michael's College, Colchester, Vermont. At present, I teach
English at Sultan Qaboos University near Muscat, Oman. My wife, Myra, and I have lived here since 1988. We have
also lived and worked in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Your Host: V. V. Williams
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